

Transforming education

Transform your learning journey with personalised, AI-driven experiences that adapt to your unique needs. At Hoja AI, we make learning more engaging, efficient, and tailored just for you.

Web App

Practice the concepts you learn by giving quizzes. Benefit by having your study buddy by your side to help clear concepts


Explore any topic with your study buddy that delves into topics with you in a friendly and helpful manner

Open discussions

Choose from an array of avatars and name your study buddy. Have your own personal companion on this learning journey

Build your buddy

Enjoy a learning environment that personalises your educational experience to your unique learning style


Explore a range of academic courses including GCSE and A levels, as well as courses for continuous learning

Curated Courses

Hoja is available on both the android and apple store; as well as browser. Your buddy is always a click or tap away!

On your device

The platform

Your personal AI study buddy

Hoja AI provides a holistic and effective learning experience, that enables learners to learn at their pace, and how they learn best

Our Story

One team. One vision

At Hoja AI, we believe education should unlock opportunities, not create obstacles. Our vision is to revolutionise learning by leveraging AI to make education more personalised, accessible, and effective for all.

We’re a team of educators and tech innovators who recognise that traditional methods of teaching often fall short. Education can be inefficient and impersonal, struggling to meet the diverse needs of today’s learners. Hoja AI was created to change that—to provide a platform that adapts to each learner’s unique journey.

Our mission is to break down the barriers that have held back educational progress. By using AI, we aim to create solutions that inspire growth, curiosity, and achievement. Together, we’re committed to transforming the future of education, one student at a time.


My course is not there - when will you add it?

We are constantly adding new courses on Hoja AI so do check in regularly. You can drop us an email at in case you have a particular question.

How secure is my data with Hoja AI?

We take your privacy and data security very seriously. Hoja AI employs encryption and follows strict data protection protocols to ensure that your information is safe and secure, and not shared externally.

How can I get started with Hoja AI?

Getting started is easy! Simply sign up on our website or mobile app, and you’ll have access to our platform. From there, you can explore personalised learning, track your progress, and begin your journey with Hoja AI.

Can I provide feedback or suggest new features?

Yes, we welcome your input! We’re constantly improving Hoja AI and value feedback from our users. You can share your thoughts and suggestions through our contact page.

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Hoja AI

We’re building the future of education, and your feedback is essential. Share your thoughts and help us shape a better learning experience together.